By Stewart on Wednesday, 03 June 2020
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Stargirl - Supergirl.jpg

As promised, Here's my latest fan fiction story, "Supergirl Meets Stargirl".
Kara and Courtney team up to stop Lex Luthor from selling his high-tech weaponry to the Injustice Society! Hope you like it

You know Stew, there should be one scene where Kara and Courtney are walking through downtown Blue Valley (DBV) talking about life and location. Each one should have their ultimate geek out moment.

With Courtney having learned of Kara being Supergirl and vice versa, Kara could tell "Court" about her cousin. And the moment Court knows Clark Kent and Superman are one and the same, Court's eyes bug out and she tries to keep her emotions in as the two super cuties walk through a busy DBV.

But then, the two stumble upon the diner where in the window is a poster for a dessert named for Stargirl (after she gets established in BV) ice cream special called the Cosmic Split...a massive banana split made with three giant scoops of ice cream made in red, white and blue...namely Cherries Jubilee, Vanilla Bean Dream, and Hill O' Blueberries (variation on the late great Fats Domino classic Blueberry Hill), a banana split in half and covered with red white and blue sprinkles after being dipped in chocolate and each scoop of ice cream with a "star" of whipped cream.

When Kara sees the poster she gets...THAT look. But this is unlike any look she has...her tongue hangs out and she pants like a puppy. Courtney looks a little jealous at the site of a dessert named for her costumed identity. The two seemingly reverse roles where Court is the adult and Kara is the child...then again she is sometimes a big kid at heart.

The two go in and find out it's one of those "eat it and you get on the wall of fame" type things (think Man Vs. Food on Travel Channel). Kara is more than willing.

The rules...20 minutes to eat the whole thing. (too fast and it's one big case of brain freeze) There will be a glass of water to help cleanse the palate. If Kara can eat it, her name goes on the wall and she gets a T-shirt saying "I have conquered the Cosmic Split." Oh and the dish will be on the house.

"Many have tried, few have succeeded," a poster said. But that doesn't detour Super Foodie Kara!

When the foot long dish comes in front of Kara she has the look as if to say COME TO MAMA!!!!

When given the signal, Kara goes after the whipped cream stars with ease, then goes after each ice cream, Cherries Jubilee, followed by some water, then Vanilla Bean Dream, followed by more water. And then just as she is about to eat Hill O Blueberries...on comes "Blueberry Hill." Talk about finding a thrill! Courtney is flabbergasted by this and begins to root Kara on. With about 5 minutes left, she goes after the bananas. One final swig of water and one final swallow of banana...THAT DID IT! The staff and customers sheer like mad over Kara's conquering of the dessert with little strain on her face or in her Kryptonian stomach.

One customer asks "How did you do it?"

Kara said chuckling "maybe I'm Supergirl."

As the audience doesn't know what to think of the line, Kara turns to Courtney and winks at her. And Court returns the favor.
4 years ago
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