There is a lot of excitement around this show and with that, there are MANY rumors coming from a lot of questionable sources. is committed to being a source of truth on all things Stargirl related. With that said, we have excellent sources and work to confirm vital elements with Warner Brothers to make sure that accurate and correct information is presented. Today, we want to take a moment to clear up rumors and level-set some expectations about the show.
What is this show about: This is a show about Courtney Whitmore. It follows her journey moving to a new town, starting at a new high school, and becoming a new family with step-dad Pat Dugan and step-brother Mike Dugan. This is not a Justice Society of America show. Yes, they are seen and mentioned but this will be about Courtney's journey not the old Justice Society of America members.
Green Lantern and The Flash: Speaking of members of the Justice Society of America, do not expect to see Alan Scott's Green Lantern or Jay Garrick's Flash on the show beyond passing references and background photos. The JSA members that have been cast and mentioned are:
- Joel McHale - Starman
- Lou Ferrigno Jr. - Hourman aka Rex Tyler
- Brian Stapf - Wildcat aka Ted Grant
- Henry Thomas - Charles McNider aka Dr. Mid-Nite
Solomon Grundy: Is on the show but not as a regular nor is he seen often on the show. He'll have a part to play, but not a MAJOR one.
Crisis on Infinite Earths: Despite the commonality that Berlanti Productions is involved in both The Arrowverse and The Titanverse, Stargirl will not have. a part to play in the biggest TV superhero crossover event this fall. At least not our Stargirl.
Who's who on Stargirl PT 2:
Characters Confirmed by Warner Brothers (Including the JSA members mentioned above):
Courtney's Family:
- Brec Bassinger: Stargirl aka Courtney Whitmore
- Luke Wilson: S.T.R.I.P.E. aka Pat Dugan
- Amy Smart: Barbara Whitmore
- Trae Romano: Mike Dugan
Injustice Society Members:
- Neil Hopkins - Lawrence Crock aka Sportsmaster
- Nelson Lee - Dragon King
- Joy Osmanski - Paula Brooks aka Tigress
Blue Valley High School:
- Meg DeLacy: Cindy Burman/Shiv
Characters NOT Confirmed by Warner Brothers:
High School Students to Note:
- Justin Austin Walker - Henry King Jr. aka Brainwave Jr.
- Hunter Sansone - Cameron Mahkent aka Icicle Jr.
- Christian Adam - Joshua Hamman
- Stella Smith - Artemis Crock
Young Heroes:
- Anjelika Washington - Beth Chapel aka Dr. Midnite
- Yvette Monreal - Yolanda Montez aka Wildcat
- Cameron Gellman - Rick Tyler aka Hourman
Additional Injustice Society Members:
- Christopher James Baker - Henry King aka Brainwave Sr.
- Neil Jackson - Jordan Mahkent aka Icicle Sr.
- Unknown - Gambler
Secondary Characters:
- Jim France: Sofus Mahkent
- Lesa Wilson: Bobbie Burman/Shiv's (step) Mom
- Wilmer Calderon: Juan Montez (Yolanda's Father)
- Kikey Castillo: Maria Montez (Yolanda's Mother)
- Kristin Brock: Wendi Tyler (Hourman's Wife)
As we've said before, ONLY the characters in the "Confirmed by Warner Brothers" section can be taken as fact! The rest still falls under speculation. While we believe our sources are sound, moving forward under the assumption that these are facts would be an error. Until Warner Brothers or DC Universe confirms these roles/story elements take all of this with a grain of salt.
Let us know what you think of the rumor busters in the comments below and in the forum!