Friday, 10 August 2018
  6 Replies
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Welcome everyone! We are so excited to launch our site and our forum for Courtney Whitmore's new show Stargirl on DC Universe! It's about time right! Here you can talk and share ideas with fellow fans away from the pressures and drama of social media. Our forum will be moderated for all audiences so fans can feel they have a safe place to discuss Courtney's adventures!
5 years ago
Perhaps the illustrious administrators should consider copying the Supergirl Forum good manners rules from there to here (unless they are here and I missed them). My recollection of the Supergirl forum was that there were some issues in Season 1, and one or two folks in season 2 who adjusted their own attitudes, so encouraging good manners would be appropriate.
5 years ago
We have the terms and conditions that must be agreed to before posting like Supergirl does, is that what you mean?

"In order to keep a place that is safe and fun for all users of all ages please adhere to these rules while using the site:

Do not curse or use bad language that may be inappropriate to children.
Do not put other people down. We are all fans of the same show, lets support each other not bring each other down.
The admin reserves the right to delete/edit content as he/she chooses to keep the site safe and productive. "
5 years ago
I had been thinking of something along the lines of the following, lifted from the Supergirl site:

"Welcome to the Forum! We are growing by leaps and bounds and its all thanks to you guys the fans! Because we are growing so fast, we thought it would be a good idea to reiterate the rules for using the forum. Please adhere to the rules stated below:

Don't Make Things Personal: This is a place for us to share our opinions on Supergirl. Not everyone is going to agree with your opinion and we want to encourage healthy discussion with respectful debate. This however does not give you a license to be rude, call someone names, or bring someone's opinion down just because you don't agree with it.

Don't Rapid Post: We all have a lot to say about Stargirl and we all have different knowledge about a great many things. This doesn't mean you need to post all your ideas in one day in 20 different threads. Try to keep new threads to one or two a day. There is plenty to comment on that other people have posted. There is no need to hog the forum and post all your ideas at once.

Do Support Others: There is one primary reason we are all here. We love Stargirl (the show)! This site and it's forum are here to share love and support for the show. Since we all have that in common, treat others and you would like to be treated. In order to make this forum work best for all, we (the staff) will do whatever we need to so the forum is a safe and fun place for all. Everyone should feel safe and excited to be here.

If these rules aren't something you feel you can obey then please don't use the forum. If you break these rules:

First Offense: When the staff is made aware of your first offense, you will be notified via email and your account will be suspended for 24 hours.

Second Offense: When the staff is made aware of your second offense, you will be notified via email and your account will be suspended for 1 week.

Thrid & Final Offense: When the staff is made aware of your third offense, you will be notified via email and your account will be deleted. You will be banned from's userbase.

Thank you for reviewing and agreeing to these rules. We put them in place so that we can make sure everyone is having a good time and we as fans can all gather to support our love of the (need phrase for Stargirl here)l! We at really appreciate your adherence to these rules and we know it will make this place the best for everyone.
5 years ago
@GeorgePhillies, Good addition! I've made thread on rules and with some minor edits, used your suggestion. Thank you for reminding me to post the rules!
5 years ago
On a slightly different note, are we to understand that the show has definitely been puchased, or are we discussing a pilot for a hypothetical future purchase?
5 years ago
On a slightly different note, are we to understand that the show has definitely been puchased, or are we discussing a pilot for a hypothetical future purchase?

So this is a bit different than broadcast television. Unlike Batwoman, for example, this show already has a series order. There isn't a pilot then a consideration process.
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