Geoff Johns talks w/ Joel McHale & Episode 3 Trailer

Episode 1 and 2 go so perfectly together don't you think? Last night we got to see the debut of Stargirl! Not the show but the hero! Courtney finally suited up and took on Brainwave with the help of Pat in the STRIPE robot! The pair proved to be too much for the single super villain but the main man Icicle has come back to town and in the final moments of the episode we saw the huge underground lair the ISA has! Check out the preview of next week's episode below. Also, as many may know, this character was created by Geoff Johns to honor his younger sister who passed on flight TWA 800. Joel McHale aka Starman sat down for a quick interview with Geoff on what Stargirl means to him, see that interview below as well!

Geoff Johns interview with Joel McHale is right here:

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About the Author
Eric Johnston
Author: Eric JohnstonWebsite: https://stargirl.tvEmail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Eric Johnston is the primary admin of as well as and He's been involved in the entertainment industry for over four years now and enjoys covering DC hero shows.


+2 #2 RE: Geoff Johns talks w/ Joel McHale & Episode 3 TrailerLibertyPrime 2020-05-27 14:21
It's a very promising start. Johns' offscreen passion really comes though onscreen. Really happy for him that it has been recieved positively.
+3 #1 RE: Geoff Johns talks w/ Joel McHale & Episode 3 TrailerCatPat 2020-05-27 13:26
A nice tribute. So far so good, I look forward to episode 3.

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