Hourman and Dr. Mid-Nite Gallery

For DC Universe subscribers, you've already seen how terrifying Icicle can be, but for The CW watchers, tonight's all new episode of Stargirl is packing quite a punch! Not looking too far ahead, we are now getting images from episode 5 titled "Hourman and Dr. Mid-Nite"! Crisis on Infinite Earths did give us a first look at the new JSA and if fans recall, there was Stargirl, STRIPE, Wildcat, Hourman and Dr. Mid-nite in a superhero pose on the new Earth 2. If that holds up, then it might be safe to say that by the end of episode 5, our new Justice Society of America may be formed and the group's new mission could be revealed! Check out the images from episode 5 below:

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About the Author
Eric Johnston
Author: Eric JohnstonWebsite: https://stargirl.tvEmail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Eric Johnston is the primary admin of as well as and He's been involved in the entertainment industry for over four years now and enjoys covering DC hero shows.


#1 RE: Hourman and Dr. Mid-Nite GalleryCatPat 2020-06-04 17:03
I think Beth is going to be a "hoot" as Dr. Mid-Nite. Owl pun intended.

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