Making the Mask a Behind the Scenes Look

Becoming a superhero doesn't always require the finding of a cosmic-powered staff, being presented with an almighty power ring controlled by will, or even being bitten by a radioactive spider. In Brec Bassinger's case, our lead for Stargirl and Courtney Whitmore, it can take a few hours in a very uncomfortable chair having your face wrapped up time and time again so that a mold of your head can be used to create the perfect superhero costume! If you've ever wondered why even those $100 plus costumes for Halloween never look like the TV Shows, this is why! Brec Bassinger shared the time-lapsed video of the process on her Instagram account (be sure to follow her)! Brec had this to say about the experience:

What it takes to become a super hero... (also I 100% had a freak out at the end, this was so claustrophobic but I got a dope mask from it so)

You can see what she had to go through in the time-lapsed video below:

Let us know what you think in the comments below and in the forum!

About the Author
Eric Johnston
Author: Eric JohnstonWebsite: https://stargirl.tvEmail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Eric Johnston is the primary admin of as well as and He's been involved in the entertainment industry for over four years now and enjoys covering DC hero shows.


#3 RE: Making the Mask a Behind the Scenes LookDigging Dugan 2019-04-29 09:50
Count me as one of those who could not do this! Yikes
#2 Superhero Brec!George Phillies 2019-04-28 08:29
She couldn't? Yes, watch carefully and there are moments where her mouth is sealed and both nostrols are blocked..
#1 Superhero Brec!George Phillies 2019-04-28 08:26
Proving she is as brave as her character. There are a quite adequate number of people who can't face an MRI machine, whhere everything is complete open out to the walls, so you can always breathe, etc., which if you watch carefully the heroine-actress could not

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