New Poster, Making the Suit, and Character Images

We've got a special treat for Stargirl fans today. There is a brand new poster highlighting the Stargirl and STRIPE relationship that is freaking awesome! On top of that, new character images have been rolled out showing the heroes, and one villain in their costumes. If that wasn't enough, Brec Bassinger herself (aka Stargirl) went to her Instagram to share shots of all the painstakingly hard work that is needed to make a super suit. From early design, to fittings, to making alterations, all the way down to doing actual body imaging scans, making a super suit is a very involved and difficult process. Brec said it best herself on her post:

10 plus fittings, Body scans, Life-cast, Concept art, A TEAM full of creative people! The mega talented @ljsupersuits and about six months of time... It seriously takes a village. So proud I get to wear this thing

Check out the new poster, character images and the incredible journey that Brec had to go through to get the suit made in the images below:

0101 poster

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About the Author
Eric Johnston
Author: Eric JohnstonWebsite: https://stargirl.tvEmail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Eric Johnston is the primary admin of as well as and He's been involved in the entertainment industry for over four years now and enjoys covering DC hero shows.


#1 RE: New Poster, Making the Suit, and Character ImagesRobertAnthony 2020-05-14 15:54
Really cool for Brec to show what it takes to make a costume...even one that has more stars than even Wonder Woman's. By the way, in a way, Brec is already a hero as she attends events for Type 1 or Juvenile Diabetes. She should know...she has it. And I also checked on her I-Gram. Her first picture of her was a split screen of her as a 4 year old and her idol...Shirley Temple. Brec said she was singing both singing "Animal Crackers in my Soup."

Looks like we have a new Mary Tyler Moore.

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