Stargirl's "Wildcat" Preview

After last night's all new episode of Stargirl, Courtney's three point plan of finding, surprising and kicking the asses of the Injustice Society of America has evolved. The tools of the Jusice Society are still available and she is looking to grow her team from just herself and STRIPE to a whole new JSA! Judging from the preview we have below, Courtney's first recruit will be Yolanda Montez, eventually known as Wildcat! In the comics, Wildcat could jump from any height and land perfectly and without injury, kind of like a cat. She also had razor sharp claws, was an excellent hand-to-hand combat fighter and a great climber. Check out the trailer for next week's new episode and see if those powers hold up!

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About the Author
Eric Johnston
Author: Eric JohnstonWebsite: https://stargirl.tvEmail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Eric Johnston is the primary admin of as well as and He's been involved in the entertainment industry for over four years now and enjoys covering DC hero shows.


+1 #3 RE: Stargirl's "Wildcat" PreviewCatPat 2020-06-04 16:59
Quoting RobertAnthony:
...and dare I say a tiny bit sexy, I have seen on YouTube comments making a comparison to the M company's Black Panther. To which I say apples and oranges.

I thought Catwoman more than Black Panther.

And after the last episode which went dark including the shocking death of the Wizard's son and then himself, somehow the lightheartedness returns.
I was hoping Wizard's son would be part of her new JSA.

It's Supergirl with Legends attitude.
Hmmm... I am not sure I agree with that... but I don't necessarily disagree.
#2 RE: Stargirl's "Wildcat" PreviewLibertyPrime 2020-06-04 09:20
Quoting RobertAnthony:
...and dare I say a tiny bit sexy, I have seen on YouTube comments making a comparison to the M company's Black Panther. To which I say apples and oranges.

It's just a variation of Ted Grant's costume from Sensation Comics #1 1942. People have no sense of history. ;-)
#1 As amazing as Wildcat's suit isRobertAnthony 2020-06-03 09:13
...and dare I say a tiny bit sexy, I have seen on YouTube comments making a comparison to the M company's Black Panther. To which I say apples and oranges.

And after the last episode which went dark including the shocking death of the Wizard's son and then himself, somehow the lightheartedness returns.

Speaking of YouTube, another commenter said this

It's Supergirl with Legends attitude.
Providing Stargirl does not venture into SJW-land and misandry like SG has tended to do, for Stargirl so far it hasn't , there may be a point. On the other hand sometimes I think of Legends of Tomorrow as a campy hot mess. But that's just me.

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