Stargirl Season 2 Officially A Go On The CW

Well we can't say that we are surprised, the reception for Stargirl has been out of this world and the ratings are great! Even with the show airing first on The DC Universe app, people are still rushing to see the show as it broadcasts on network television. According to the show has been picked up for a second season now fully on the CW and not with DC Universe. This means that the show will air on television first next season and the show will be streamable the following day with the CW Streaming app. So even though we are still going on the journey with Courtney now, we can rest assured that this season won't be the only season for our star-spangled kid!

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About the Author
Eric Johnston
Author: Eric JohnstonWebsite: https://stargirl.tvEmail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Eric Johnston is the primary admin of as well as and He's been involved in the entertainment industry for over four years now and enjoys covering DC hero shows.


#10 RE: Stargirl Season 2 Officially A Go On The CWAlex 2020-07-11 22:01
Well if it doesn’t get fully turned over to those CA writers and producers there may be some hope.

As far as set goes mu home town of Winnipeg Canada offers closer landscape and setting options for where it’s set now. And better film credits plus we have had zero COVId cases for 10 days.

Should be cool to see it here. But won’t happen
+1 #9 RE: Stargirl Season 2 Officially A Go On The CWkdogg87 2020-07-07 18:42
Quoting CatPat:
Seeing how DC handled Swamp Thing, I think this is a good thing. If CW doesn't move the show to Vancouver, I think all will be great.

That's a toss up. Black Lightning is also filmed in Georgia, much like Stargirl. However, I'm not sure how quickly productions in that area are resuming in a COVID world. B.C., at the very least, has handled recovery really well. It still fluctuates up and down, but as of today, the province is just above 100 active cases.

But I agree that, if at all possible, it'd be best for production to remain in Georgia. They have their locations and sets, and all that exterior setting (of which there is a fair amount) cannot be broken down and transferred. I just don't know how production will look when things resume.
+3 #8 RE: Stargirl Season 2 Officially A Go On The CWCatPat 2020-07-07 07:28
Seeing how DC handled Swamp Thing, I think this is a good thing. If CW doesn't move the show to Vancouver, I think all will be great.
+1 #7 RE: Stargirl Season 2 Officially A Go On The CWmuckle9999 2020-07-06 15:26
To me this news is like picking petals off a flower. Won't screw it up.....Will screw it up.....Won't screw it up.....Will screw it up. I'm going to enjoy the rest of this season which by the way is wonderful. And hope when that last petal is picked it's a Won't screw it up. 8)
+1 #6 Worried...Knight Rider 2020-07-06 15:20
We`LL have a season 2! Great! I am little worried about the fact that CW may screw things up...
+1 #5 RE: Stargirl Season 2 Officially A Go On The CWLibertyPrime 2020-07-06 13:28
I am happy for cast and crew. I'm cautiously optimistic, though I'd be lying if I said I didn't share many of the same concerns expressed by others here.

I'd hate to see the show devolve to a point where it is coasting on the charisma of the lead actors. But worst case, I think we probably have at least a season or two before that happens.
+2 #4 RE: Stargirl Season 2 Officially A Go On The CWRobertAnthony 2020-07-06 11:04
Quoting Admin:
So here's what I'll say. The show is produced by Mad Ghost Productions. Its the only show on The CW that is. With that unique distinction and knowing that Mad Ghost Productions is run by Geoff Johns, I don't think he'd agree for a second season if he didn't get to keep the quality of the show.

If this is still Geoff Johns' baby, it's in capable hands. But, it's all about the Benjamins in the long run.
+3 #3 Production Admin 2020-07-06 10:58
So here's what I'll say. The show is produced by Mad Ghost Productions. Its the only show on The CW that is. With that unique distinction and knowing that Mad Ghost Productions is run by Geoff Johns, I don't think he'd agree for a second season if he didn't get to keep the quality of the show.
+3 #2 One big question...RobertAnthony 2020-07-06 10:55
Now that Stargirl is on the CW for season 2...does production value suffer and will the writers be interjecting woke leftist propaganda?

Some people have been commenting at the TVLine article. One person said, comparing it to Supergirl going from CBS to CW...

Supergirl’s first season which was on CBS was great. It moved to CW and slowly deteriorated with all the changes to make the show sexier and then it got worse when it became a soapbox piece for its writers with terrible writing. I don’t know how CW can afford to keep Luke Wilson. His salary alone might blow the budget, unless he is willing to take a paycut.
+2 #1 RE: Stargirl Season 2 Officially A Go On The CWkdogg87 2020-07-06 10:48
If I'm being honest, I'm a little worried for what this means for the show. Being renewed is great, but there is no denying it had a larger budget and production timeline over at DC Universe. I'm worried the move to being exclusively on CW will result in a drastic drop to the budget and amount of production time alotted for each episode.

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