Stars & S.T.R.I.P.E. Part 1 Trailer

Much like a chess board, the pieces have been manuvered into place and there are only a few final crucial moves that remain before a victor can be crowned. The JSA know who the members of the ISA are, the ISA knows who the members of the JSA are. Brainwave has successfully convinced Icicle that the Whitmores need to die and once more, Icicle has added Mike to the list. We don't think there could be a better stage set for a massive season finale of Stargirl! Looking ahead to the trailer for the first part of the season finale, we see that the enforcers of the ISA have been set to wipe out Courtney and Pat. Tigress arrives at the Whitmore home and Sportsmaster heads to the Pit Stop! Check out a preview for what's in store next week below:

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About the Author
Eric Johnston
Author: Eric JohnstonWebsite: https://stargirl.tvEmail:
Eric Johnston is the primary admin of as well as and He's been involved in the entertainment industry for over four years now and enjoys covering DC hero shows.


+1 #5 RE: Stars & S.T.R.I.P.E. Part 1 Trailermuckle9999 2020-08-02 17:04
Quoting Stewart:
As someone else mentioned, Johnny Thunder's pink pen (which houses Thunderbolt) is still sitting in Courtney's room. Maybe Mike finds it, and becomes the new Johnny Thunder and helps defeat the ISA. In the original Golden Age comics, the pen was activated by saying the magic words "Cie U" - pronounced "Say You". At, first, Johnny T said those words accidentally and then Thunderbolt appeared. Perhaps Mike will do the same.
And then there is Cameron (who someone else mentioned) . Maybe he's been working on his "freese breath" and will come to the aid of the JSA, too.

I can see these events playing out the way you suggest and hope it's the case. However, I can also see a twist and have Cameron go the way of his dad. I'm wondering who's going to live and who's going to die.
+1 #4 RE: Stars & S.T.R.I.P.E. Part 1 TrailerCatPat 2020-08-02 13:15
Quoting Stewart:
As someone else mentioned, Johnny Thunder's pink pen (which houses Thunderbolt) is still sitting in Courtney's room. Maybe Mike finds it, and becomes the new Johnny Thunder and helps defeat the ISA. In the original Golden Age comics, the pen was activated by saying the magic words "Cie U" - pronounced "Say You". At, first, Johnny T said those words accidentally and then Thunderbolt appeared. Perhaps Mike will do the same.
And then there is Cameron (who someone else mentioned) . Maybe he's been working on his "freese breath" and will come to the aid of the JSA, too.

I definitely think Mike gets a power... I can see his reaction to walking around with a "pink" pin...

What happened to the owl? Does anyone feed it?
+1 #3 RE: Stars & S.T.R.I.P.E. Part 1 TrailerRobertAnthony 2020-07-31 17:05
Quoting Stewart:
As someone else mentioned, Johnny Thunder's pink pen (which houses Thunderbolt) is still sitting in Courntey's room. Maybe Mike finds it, and becomes the new Johnny Thunder and helps defeat the ISA. In the original Golden Age comics, the pen was activated by saying the magic words "Cie U" - pronounced "Say You". At, first, Johnny T said those words accidentally and then Thunderbolt appeared. Perhaps Mike will do the same.
And then there is Cameron (who someone else mentioned) . Maybe he's been working on his "freese breath" and will come to the aid of the JSA, too.

A promising theory there Stew.
+1 #2 RE: Stars & S.T.R.I.P.E. Part 1 TrailerStewart 2020-07-31 09:48
As someone else mentioned, Johnny Thunder's pink pen (which houses Thunderbolt) is still sitting in Courtney's room. Maybe Mike finds it, and becomes the new Johnny Thunder and helps defeat the ISA. In the original Golden Age comics, the pen was activated by saying the magic words "Cie U" - pronounced "Say You". At, first, Johnny T said those words accidentally and then Thunderbolt appeared. Perhaps Mike will do the same.
And then there is Cameron (who someone else mentioned) . Maybe he's been working on his "freese breath" and will come to the aid of the JSA, too.
#1 The Seven Soldiersrtrek 2020-07-29 16:59
Since we're getting Sir Justin, I wonder if we might see some others of the Seven Soldiers show up to help out the JSA. They done a fair amount of bringing them up.

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